Thursday, October 4, 2012

I need to get up

The sun is shining and it's in the 70's today. I notice this by looking out my small window from my bed. Sooner or later I need to get up. I can't keep living within these 4 walls. So I got up.
I got dressed in clothes that don't pertain to the pajama family. I made the decision to get up. I sat outside with the sun on my face. I haven't done that in awhile because I was always too tired from hosting that little angel inside of me. Today I got up and I felt the sun. I just looked at the simple things. The blades of grass blowing, the leaves changing, and people moving about their day. When you dry your tear-filled eyes, you begin to see the simple things again. It dawned on me..there is a world that still exists. With or without me laying in bed with the blankets pulled over my head.
There is a world that needs me. A world that needs me to participate and give back. I'm here for a purpose, and I highly doubt it's to take up residency in a bed. Maybe it's to prove to the world that you can knock Kristina down, but she WILL get up. I've been knocked down, wind taken out of my sails and I cant seem to catch my breath...but I NEED to get up. I need to get up.


  1. K - just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you and sending you love. I can't imagine what you are going through but I can relate to that feeling of wondering how the world can go on when you are crushed. When I found out that my dad had cancer, I just couldn't believe the world could keep on going around me. How could all these people go on in the world when such a horrible thing was happening? I wish you peace and love. Sending you prayers. xo Sundai

  2. Amen to you. You are stronger than you know. Just lean on or lord when you feel week. And know I am thinking of your always.
